Wellness Consultations
Anjeleen, our natural health practitioner combines her Ayurveda, Homeopathy and Iridology knowledge to help you achieve your wellness goals. She has a special interest in women's health, detox, weight loss programs, fertility, pregnancy care, depression and postpartum depression, allergies, fatigue, back pain, stress and anxiety (please see the Fertility page for more information on fertility and pregnancy care)
Ayurveda is a traditional holistic health system that looks at your constitution (dosha), pulse diagnosis, tongue and other techniques to determine the best treatment for you. It includes advice on diet and exercise based on your constitution and may include Ayurvedic herbal and mineral remedies. In Ayurveda food is medicine, it's so important, and the appropriate daily routine for our body can be very healing. In Ayurveda there are 3 dosha's - vata, pitta and kapha. Each dosha has it's strengths and weaknesses and balancing them is key to health and longevity
Homeopathy is a system of medicine that looks at your total health picture and individual ways in which the body can heal. The homeopathic treatment examines your symptoms and matches those to a suitable remedy. It's based on the philosophy "like cures like" Remedies are dispensed in pill or drop form
Iridology examines the iris of the eye to reveal body constitution, inherent weaknesses, levels of health and inflammation in the tissues. The iris is an extension of the brain and is connected to every organ and tissue of the body through our nervous system
In your initial appointment, you will be asked a number of questions about your past and current health history, digestion, eating habits, bowel function, sleep, lifestyle habits, and mental/emotional characteristics. Please bring along any recent blood tests, ultrasounds, x-rays etc you have
Virtual consultations are also available
30 mins $99*
45 mins $145*
60 mins $245*
* If this is your first appointment please book a 60 minute consultation. These rates do not apply to fertility consultations, please see the Fertility page